As online purchasing continues to gain popularity, even within specialized sectors like the food machinery industry, the importance of clarity and transparency cannot be overstated. Buyers are increasingly turning to online platforms to procure machinery, attracted by the convenience and broad selection available. However, this shift also underscores the needRead More →

The exhilarating world of online auctions is nowadays closer to your doorstep than it ever was. You can buy anything online and online auctions appear to offer the perfect solution. At least, when a professional company takes the lead. So is Industrial Auctions. An online auctioneer located in Eindhoven, theRead More →

Industrial Auctions is the company to buy or sell your food and beverage machines. A well-known brand within the industry with years of experience organizing auctions for many renowned companies. Over the years, the company has proven to be a reliable partner in the world of online auctions. No challengeRead More →

Industrial Auctions was officially established in 2010, when it’s current CEO, Mr. Ad van Kollenburg opened their doors to the online auctions. Focussed on the food and beverage industry, they are determined to become market leader and it already shows that the online auctioneer is taking over territory in theRead More →

The appalling shortage of materials and the ever-increasing prices are also causing retailers and small and large manufacturers to look for alternatives when purchasing machines. Something that online auctioneer Industrial Auctions has certainly not missed. The market for used machines was already booming business because of the time and cost-savingRead More →

Industrial Auctions is the online auctioneer specialized in auctioning food and beverage machines in a business to business context. Auctioning machines, complete production lines or a complete production location within Europe is absolutely no stranger to them and selling machines worldwide is more than known. At Industrial Auctions they focusRead More →

If you are looking for second-hand machines for the food industry, Industrial Auctions is the company that can help you. Industrial Auctions is an international operating online auctioneer specialized in auctioning machinery, inventory, and goods business-to-business. The company was officially established in 2010, when it’s current CEO, Mr. Ad vanRead More →