ABOUT MSP International

OVERVIEW: 10 years ago, MSP Magazine was founded with a clear intention: to provide world news, market overviews, high-quality professional insights and information, prospects and top-notch trends, all within the fields of the meat, seafood and poultry industry. Today, MSP Magazine has grown into one of the top niche magazines and it’s time to increase its presence around the globe by MSP International Magazine.

CONTENT: Today’s meat processing professionals face the pressures of producing measurable results utilising a myriad of information sources – so many, that at times it can be difficult to sort out which ones actually inform and help. As a result, every page of MSP International focuses on the key issues that are important. We try to persuade you with the quality, not the quantity of the information we present.

Throughout the year, our editors provide our audience with up-to-date news and information content through a variety of means including MSP International Magazine, website and eNewsletters.

EDITIONS: 6 per year

READERS: MSP International reaches professionals in the meat, poultry and seafood processing industry with decision making influence: CEO’s, Executive Directors, Secretary Generals, and Senior-level Management.

Press releases, news, company profiles, articles and opinions are all welcome.