Number of pigs in all categories of farms in Russia amounted 22 248.6 thousand heads till 1st October 2015. The number of Russian pigs has grown by 7.4% for a year.
Moreover, number of pigs continues to decline in personal subsidiary plots and peasant farm enterprises against the backdrop of the unfavorable epizootic situation on ASF. However, the number of animals in agricultural organizations has increased by 11.5% for a year (1 827 thousand heads), which compensates the decrease of pigs in personal subsidiary plots and peasant farm enterprises. The Far East showed this year’s best growth indicators with regard to the number of pigs in agricultural organizations for 9 months. Here, the number of animals has increased by 25.6%. Also, good results are shown in the south countries and the Urals.
The volume of pork production in all categories of farms in Russia for this period amounted to 1 991.1 thousand tonnes in carcass weight (2 727.3 thousand tonnes live weight). This is by 4.8% or by 91.7 thousand tonnes in slaughter weight more than it was produced in the same period of the year 2014. Pork production in Russian agricultural organizations increased by 8.4% (131 thousand tonnes) up to 1 642.2 thousand tonnes slaughter weight during the period under review.
According to the calculations of Research and Information Agency IAA “IMIT”, the industrial pork production in Russia amounted 193.5 thousand tonnes in slaughter weight in September 2015, which is 10.9% more than it was in September 2014.
From January to September 2015, the total imports of chilled and frozen pork, pork fat and offals amounted 237.2 thousand tonnes (excluding trade data within the Customs Union), which is 24.3% less than it was delivered in Russia in the same period in 2014.
Compared to the same period last year, imports of chilled pork increased by 7.6 times (+ 661.6%) during the first nine months of the year an reached up to 10.6 thousand tonnes (+ 9.2 thousand tonnes). Ukraine became the Russian key supplier of chilled pork, which accounts 99.5% of the total import of chilled pork. Whereas the previous year the leadership in the supply belonged to Denmark. Imports of frozen pork decreased by 23% (to 63.6 thousand tonnes) and reached 204.5 thousand tonnes. As a general rule, supplies in Russia are carried out by Brazil, which account 78.9% of frozen pork imports. The imports of pork offals decreased by 42.1% (by 4.5 thousand tonnes) to 6.1 thousand tonnes of pork bacon – 52.0% (17.3 thousand tonnes) to 15.9 thousand tonnes.
“According to experts, in regard to the trade within the Customs Union, the total volume of chilled and frozen pork imports from the Republic of Belarus to Russia is only about 0.284 thousand tonnes from January till August 2015,” has been reported by Information Agency “Kazakh-zerno”. It should be noted that imports of chilled pork from the Republic of Belarus declined six times over the period January- August 2015 and the frozen meat came down to almost zero.
According to the results from the period January – August, the share of the Republic of Belarus had only 2.9% of chilled pork (January-August 2014- 55.1%). On the supply of frozen pork, Belarus occupies the last place among the countries- suppliers. The country had the share of only 0.002% of all deliveries.