The main reasons for issuing an update of the IFA Standard are amendments in the Compliance Criteria (CC) of sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the Crops Base module. In the first edition of V5.0 it was indicated that these Control Points (CP) will become Major Musts as of 1 July 2017. These two CPCC deal with the water management risk assessment and water management plan.

The Secretariat took this opportunity to include other changes that the relevant Technical Committees agreed upon. These include a level change of AF 16 (food fraud) and FV 5.7.3 (laboratory requirements for water testing). Both CPCC were changed to Minor Musts.

Clarifications were made to the Compliance Criteria of the Poultry module (PY 1.2, 5.2.2 and 8.2.5).

There were no actual changes in the standard contents of the Aquaculture module, but the Secretariat took the opportunity to remove any reference to the Friend of the Sea Add-On based on the mutual agreement to terminate the collaboration. Both schemes will continue independently from November 2017 onwards.

Furthermore, the new Hops sub-scope (HO) is included in this version update. Hops producers (hops for brewing) will have to comply with the All Farm Base, Crops Base and Hops modules.

The Edition Update Registers on the last page of each module describe the adjustments to the texts (small corrections or clarifications). Changes to the General Regulations (Parts I and III) as well as to the Livestock, Crops and Aquaculture Rules can be reviewed in the published documents with traceable changes.

Version 5.1 is obligatory from 1 October 2017, with the exception of CB 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, which are obligatory as of 1 July 2017.