A Large Poultry Plant to be Built in Mangystau Region

In Mangystau Region, the agricultural development is stimulated by subsidization. For this purpose, the government allocated 780 mln tenge from the Republican budget. Farmers received subsidies and took out loans at low rates.

Due to this government support, the dairy producers managed to meet the needs of the domestic regional market. In Tupkaragan District of Mangystau Region, a poultry plant for almost 3 bln tenge is currently under construction. The plant’s capacity will be 5,000 t of poultry per year. Its output will be able to meet the needs of the region’s population by 50%. The construction works on the land plot of 50 hectares are 85% complete. Twelve poultry houses have been already built, and 31,800 birds will be bred in each facility. The plant will include 4 facilities: incubator, workshop for feed stuff production, slaughterhouse and a building for broiler breeding. The new plant will create 150 jobs.

Daniyar Turgynov, Director of the poultry plant said: “We borrowed some of the money from the government. I believe that we will put the plant into operation by the end of the year. The entire equipment has been already delivered. Currently, we are waiting the electricity to be installed in order to continue the construction works. We will create our own microclimate here. The birds will pass through 7 cycles.”

Last year, the government allocated more than a billion tenge for the livestock development. This led to the increase of the number of cattle stock by 10%. Each year, farmers receive subsidies of up to 35 mln tenge for breeding stock. There are also other measures of financial support for farmers.

Serik Kaldygul, Head of the Agricultural Department of Mangystau Region said: “There are investment subsidies, if you decide to establish an agricultural enterprise. By now, 380 mln tenge of the Republican budget have been assimilated. By the end of the year, there will be additional funds in the amount of 285 mln tenge. However, the work will continue until the end of the year. There are many requests, for example, for a dairy production workshop. You can use subsidies for equipment or for building a dairy plant. The amount of subsidization will be 25% of the total costs.”

Moreover, the farmers’ costs for flooding of pastures are also covered. After hole drilling and drinking well building, the government return to the farmers up to 80% of funds used for construction as subsidies. During the last five years, 300 wells have been drilled in the region.

Source: TV Channel 24KZ