The sector is set to meet at IFFA in Frankfurt am Main from 14 to 19 May. Around 900 exhibitors from more than 40 countries will be showing their latest products and solutions for processing, packaging and selling meat and alternative sources of protein. The companies are looking forward toRead More →

At IFFA in Frankfurt am Main, butchers and meat processing professionals will be able to learn more about the way in which traditional and future practices will collaborate in their trade from 4 to 9 May. The digital revolution and the wide range of possibilities that go with it openRead More →

Optimising production processes is increasingly based on digitalisation and interlinked networks. The objective is to increase security of production and optimise the use of the machinery, to work in ways that are more energy-efficient and to be able to react more flexibly to changes in the market. From 4 toRead More →

A new exhibition hall, an optimised layout, more exhibition space and registrations from all market leaders – these are the positive auguries for IFFA 2019. The industry is demonstrating a strong commitment to its leading global trade fair and will make its presentation on substantially more exhibition space than atRead More →

Машиностроительный завод SeydelmannKG представил самые новейшие решения автоматизации и почти всю свою производственую программу оборудования. Близость к клиентам, качество, инновация и надежный сервис отличают традиционное предприятие Seydelmann уже на протяжении 170 лет. При изготовлении своих машин и производственных линий завод Seydelmann предъявляет бескомпромиссно высокие требования к материалу и технологии. КакRead More →

Location inspires diverse exhibition innovations  holac Maschinenbau GmbH presented a number of innovative new products at IFFA 2016. The Baden-Württemberg processing specialist first brought these new products directly to Frankfurt from its new site in Nattheim in the Swabian Alb. The new Optimus Sect 280’s extremely high efficiency piqued theRead More →

НОВОЕ МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ВДОХНОВЛЯЕТ РАЗЛИЧНЫЕ ИННОВАЦИИ, ПРЕДСТАВЛЕННЫЕ НА ВЫСТАВКЕ на выставке IFFA 2016 компания holac Maschinenbau GmbH представила ряд новых инновационных изделий. Компания из Баден-Вюртемберга привезла свои новые изделия во Франкфурт прямо из своей новой штаб-квартиры, расположенной в Наттхайме, в Швабском Альбе. Чрезвычайно высокая эффективность новой машины Optimus Sect 280 привлеклаRead More →

   IT specialist presented numerous innovations for the entire process chain of the meat industry Once again, IFFA 2013 confirmed its status as “No. 1 in the meat industry” – and that is not only the conclusion of Messe Frankfurt. The CSB Group of Companies also draws a very positiveRead More →