MSP Magazine: After two years of Corona restrictions, we are sure, you are proud to participate once again in the leading global trade fair Anuga FoodTec 2022. Would you please inform our readers, what will be your main focus? What will you present there? Yes, we’re looking forward toRead More →

TOMRA Sorting Solutions continues to expand its presence in the meat industry, delivering a range of machines, from analytical to sorting solutions, for different types of product. TOMRA Sorting looks forward to welcoming you at AgroProdMash – Booth FA080 located in the Expocentre, Moscow, Russia. Demand for the company’s establishedRead More →

   The recent discovery of unintended content of horse meat in food products has sparked TOMRA Sorting Food to investigate if its unique transflectance technology could be adapted to detect the presence of horse meat mixed with beef.      Research and testing The QVision 500 analyzer is currently focused onRead More →