As online purchasing continues to gain popularity, even within specialized sectors like the food machinery industry, the importance of clarity and transparency cannot be overstated. Buyers are increasingly turning to online platforms to procure machinery, attracted by the convenience and broad selection available. However, this shift also underscores the needRead More →

As one of the largest trade fairs for the processing & packaging industry in Asia, Shanghai World of Packaging (swop) each year attracts tens of thousands of visiting professionals from the sectors food and beverage packagings, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and consumer goods. A promising investment opportunity for international exhibitors. More thanRead More →

In the poultry process, evisceration is probably the most delicate operation, requiring consistent performance across all bird weights while effectively handling every single giblet pack. This combination of skills can be challenging, but Marel’s Nuova-i excels in every comparison. Designed to make data-driven decisions, Nuova-i maximizes performance with minimal relianceRead More →

The modern meat processing industry demands highly efficient and precise machines to meet the increasing demands. The RVF 911 vacuum filler from REX meets these expectations in every respect and sets new standards in terms of filling capacity and versatility. Highest performance for demanding applications The RVF 911 is speciallyRead More →