“Damate” Increases Turkey Meat Production by 30%

“Damate”, the largest turkey meat producer in Russia, will invest an additional amount of 12.6 bln roubles into the expansion of the turkey meat production project and will also expand its production capacity from 155 to 207 ths t on a carcass weight basis per year. The total investments into the turkey meat project, taking the expansion into account, will be approximately 74 bln roubles. The funding sources are the company’s own resources and credit funds from “Rosselkhozbank”.

The turkey meat market continues to show a stable positive momentum, however, we are still far from the saturation of the potential market with the consumption level of 4.5 kg. Our positive forecasts are also related to the active development of the export, because its growth prospects are estimated at 20 ths t per year. “The production of deep processing products shows a big potential for the use of turkey meat, just like in the countries with developed consumption nowadays, where almost half of the produced turkey meat is used in the production of hams, sausages and convenience foods,” Rasheed Hairov, CEO of “Damate” said.

Irina Zhachkina, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of “Rosselkhozbank”, said that the growing interest in healthy foods contributes to the higher consumption of turkey meat.

“Since 2012, the average annual increase in turkey meat consumption has been 16%, and in 2020 it reached 330 ths t, which is more than 2 kg per person, and it also shows a great potential for further increase. The growing consumer demand and export opportunities are reliable factors that justify the expansion of “Damate’s” production capacity. We are genuinely pleased with the success of our reliable partner and acknowledged market leader with whom we did a lot for the development of this industry in Russia,” she said.

For the project expansion in Penza region it is planned to build 128 new poultry houses, including 32 weaning houses and 96 fattening facilities. This way, the total number of the company’s poultry houses in the region will increase to 652.

“Damate” will also make additional investments in communication modernization, and construction and commissioning of additional highly sophisticated infrastructural facilities.

One of the most important projects in this area is the reconstruction of the inedible by-products plant where meat and bone meal and technical fat are produced from the meat processing industrial by-products.

The company also intends to build a modern automated carwash and two roofed disinfectant barriers for incubators. Moreover, this project includes the construction of four brand new water supply facilities, two weigh houses, four new hangars and four specialized dropping storage facilities.

The company’s products are sold under the “Indielite” trademark throughout the country via retail chains and stores. In autumn of 2015, “Damate” began exporting turkey meat in other countries. Currently, the company’s plants have permissions to deliver their products to the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union and 33 other countries, including China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Africa and Asia.
Source: sfera.fm