“The yield has been higher than anticipated, giving us a competitive advantage in markets with large volumes and minor price differences on finished goods” Norwegian processor Filetfabrikken recently began operations in the newly built state-of-the-art processing facility outside of Oslo, specializing in seafood processing and global distribution. The primary focusRead More →

The Migros cooperative in Eastern Switzerland offers the country’s national sausage in over 100 supermarkets: the St Galler Bratwurst. It has been so successful, that production soon reached the limits of its capacity. The company therefore invested in an Industry 4.0-compatible line from MULTIVAC. Thanks to the line’s very highRead More →

For Möllers, a butcher and wholesale grocer in Cologne, Germany, keeping up with shifting trends has been key to its success for over 70 years. When it came time to update the company’s portion cutting technology, the new TREIF HAWK portion cutter quickly proved its worth, significantly enhancing the speed,Read More →

OVERVIEW For nearly 20 years, Monogram has been helping its customers bring home the bacon — and produce novel snacks, like the industry’s first bacon jerky. It’s clear that bacon is big at Monogram Foods, a food manufacturer providing comanufacturing and production for private label, grocery and foodservice companies throughoutRead More →

Avicarvil is a leading poultry producer, processor and retailer in Romania with an annual farming and processing capacity of over 30 million chickens/year. The company plans to double this capacity in the years to come by building a greenfield processing plant in close collaboration with Marel. In Vâlcea County, AvicarvilRead More →